Template10: a new template to create Universal Windows apps – The basics

When you launch Visual Studio 2015 to create a Universal Windows app for Windows 10 for the first time, the first thing you notice is that the number of available templates is very low. If, when it comes to Windows / Windows Phone 8.1 development, Visual Studio 2013 offered many templates to quickly implement the most used layouts (Hub, Pivot, etc.), in Visual Studio 2015 we have just one template called “Blank app”.

The reason of this choice is that, in the past, the standard templates were used by the developers without very good skills in developing the user experience of an application (like me Smile ) to make the job easier and to avoid to create the user interface from scratch. The downside of this approach is that, during the course of time, it leads many developers to publish a lot of applications that looked very similar to each other. Consequently, Microsoft has decided, with Windows 10, to leave more freedom to the developers and to avoid forcing them to adopt a specific design patter. It’s important to highlight, however, that this doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want when it comes to create the user interface, without following any criteria. Providing a great user experience is still one of the key pillars to create a successful app! As such, I strongly suggest to read the official guidelines to design Universal Windows apps on the Dev Center: https://dev.windows.com/en-us/design

The new blank template provided by Visual Studio 2015 is very simple and it’s the perfect starting point for every application. However, sometimes, especially when you need to work on a complex project, it can be even too simple. When we need to handle advanced scenarios (like using the MVVM pattern or managing the state of the page) we need to create all the required infrastructure.

To make the life the developers easier, a team of Microsoft people, lead by Jerry Nixon (a Technical Evangelist very well known for his series of MVA trainings about Windows 10 development) have started to work on an advanced template called Template10. It’s an open source project, available on GitHub at https://github.com/Windows-XAML/Template10 and, as such, you’re more then welcome to give your contribute, by helping with the documentation or by making some enhancements and submitting a pull request.

The project is still evolving, but the goal is very clear: Template10 wants to become the preferred choice for Universal Windows apps developers, independently from the development approach they prefer (code behind, MVVM, etc.) or from the toolkits and libraries they already use in their applications. If you want to learn more about the project, you can read the official FAQ on https://github.com/Windows-XAML/Template10/wiki/Questions. In the near future, Template10 will be released as a NuGet package and as a Visual Studio extension. This way, you’ll be able to use it as a starting point for your app directly from the New project menu in Visual Studio 2015. Meanwhile, however, even if the main library that defines the template’s components is considered stable and ready for production, it’s available only on GithHub. Let’s see which are the required steps to start creating a new Universal Windows app using Template 10.

UPDATE: Template10 is now available also as NuGet package: http://www.nuget.org/packages/Template10/ However, to find and install it, you’ll need to enable in the NuGet Package Manager UI the Include prerelease options, since the package is still in beta.

This post is just the first of a series: in this one we’re going to see the basic concepts. In the next ones, we’ll see some more advanced topics like the available controls or the MVVM pattern.

Create the first project

The first step is to clone the GitHub repository. We can achieve this goal using the tools provided directly by Visual Studio 2015.

  1. Open the window called Team Explorer. As default behavior, it’s placed on the right side of the screen, in the same section where you have access to the Solution explorer’s window.
  2. You’ll find a section labeled Local Git Repositories, which lists all the Git repositories on your computer. Press the Clone button.
  3. In the first field (the one with the yellow background) you need to specify the URL of the GitHub repository, which is https://github.com/Windows-XAML/Template10
  4. In the second field, instead, you need to set the local path on your computer where you want to clone the project.
  5. Now press the Clone button: Visual Studio will take care of downloading the project and copying it on your computer.


From now on, by using Team Explorer, you’ll be able to quickly access to the repository. By using the Sync option you’ll have the chance to keep the local repository up to date with the latest version of the library.

A good starting point for a new Universal Windows app based on Template10 is to use the Blank project, which is stored inside the Templates (Project) folder. This project already provides the basic infrastructure required by Template10 to work properly. However, in this post we’re going to start with an empty project and to manually configure Template10: this way, it will be easier to understand how it works under the hood.

Let’s start by creating a new Universal Windows app with the Blank app template provided by Visual Studio. Then, let’s right click on the solution in Solution Explorer and choose Add existing project. We’ll have to look for the folder where we’ve cloned the GitHub repository and, specifically, we’ll have to find the project named Template10Library: you’ll find in the folder with the same name and it’s defined by the Template10Library.csproj file. Once you’ve added the project to your solution, it’s time to add a reference to Template10 in our app. Just right click on the project of the application, choose Add reference and, in the list, choose the Template10 project. Now we are ready to start writing some code!

The bootstrapper

The App class is the starting point of every Universal Windows app: its goal is to initialize the main window of the application with its frame, which acts as a container of all the pages of the application and provides the necessary infrastructure to handle the navigations. The base structure of the App class (stored in the App.xaml.cs file), however, can be a little bit confusing, especially for new developers. You’ll find a lot of fixed code, which is part of the standard initialization and, as such, it creates just “noise”, since you’ll probably never change it. Another weak point is the application’s lifecycle management. The App class offers different event handlers to manage the different application’s state (launching, suspending, resuming, etc.) but, based on the activation’s type, you can have multiple entry points. Template10 makes the initialization of the app easier to understand and to use by providing a bootstrapper, which is a class that replaces the App one and that simplifies the code. The first step to use is to replace the App class with the BootStrapper one, which is included in the Template10.Common namespace. Here is a sample definition:



You can notice that the main App node has been replaced with the BootStrapper one. Consequently, you will have also to update the code-behind class (the App.xaml.cs file), so that the App class inherits from the BootStrapper one, like in the following sample:

sealed partial class App : Template10.Common.BootStrapper
    public App() 


Here is, instead, how a complete definition of the BootStrapper class looks like:

sealed partial class App : Template10.Common.BootStrapper
    public App()

    public override Task OnStartAsync(StartKind startKind, IActivatedEventArgs args)
 return Task.FromResult<object>(null);

You can immediately notice how, compared to the standard App class, the code is much more simple to understand. The core is the OnStartAsync() method, which is the starting point of the application, regardless from the activation’s scenario. No matter if the app has been opened using the main tile, a secondary tile or from a toast notification, the OnStartAsync() method will always be invoked to let you, as developer, handling the main navigation. In the simplest scenario (your app doesn’t have secondary tiles or doesn’t support secondary activation entries), the method will look like the one in the sample: it simply takes care of redirecting the user to the main page of the application. The second operation is just a workaround to support asynchronous code inside this method. To properly support async / await operations, the method has been configured to return a Task object; however if, like in this case, you don’t have the requirement to perform any asynchronous operation, we simply return an empty Task, so that the code can compile.

The main advantage of the OnStartAsync() method is that the bootstrapper, under the hood, always takes care of preparing the Frame, which is required to handle the rendering and the navigation of the pages of the application. The standard App class, instead, takes care of initializing the Frame only in the main entry point (the OnLaunched() event handler), leaving you to do all the “dirty work” in case the app has been opened from a different activation point.

To help you understanding better this approach, here is a sample bootstrapper used to handle the activation from a secondary tile:

sealed partial class App : Template10.Common.BootStrapper
    public App()

    public override Task OnStartAsync(StartKind startKind, IActivatedEventArgs args)
        AdditionalKinds cause = DetermineStartCause(args);
        if (cause == AdditionalKinds.SecondaryTile)
            LaunchActivatedEventArgs eventArgs = args as LaunchActivatedEventArgs;
            NavigationService.Navigate(typeof (DetailPage), eventArgs.Arguments);
            NavigationService.Navigate(typeof (MainPage));

        return Task.FromResult<object>(null);

The code is very simple to understand. Thanks to the internal method DetermineStartCause() we are able to determine which is the activation point of the app and to redirect the user to the most appropriate page. In the sample we are handling the scenario where the tap on a secondary tile redirects the user to a specific item of the application (like a category of news): in case the activation’s cause is AdditionalKinds.SecondaryTile, we retrieve the tile’s arguments (thanks to the Arguments property) and we pass it to the page called DetailPage. In case, instead, the application has been regularly launched using the main tile, the user is simply redirected to the main page.

With the same approach we can handle all the other activation’s scenarios: from a toast notification, from a uri, from a sharing contract, etc. In this case, the DetermineStartCause() method will return you the Other value of the AdditionalKinds enumerator. To properly determine what’s happened, we need to use the Kind property of the activation’s parameter which type is IActivatedEventArgs.

Inside the bootstrapper class you have also the chance to override three other methods, which can be useful to handle special scenarios.

  1. OnInitializeAsync() is invoked when the app is initialized, right before calling the OnStartAsync() method. It’s useful if you have any service or feature that requires to be initialized at startup (for example, analytics services like Application Insights).
  2. OnResuming() has the same purpose of the method with the same name of the standard App class and it’s invoked when the application is resumed after it has been suspended. Typically, you’re not required to handle this event; the reason is that it’s triggered only when the application has been resumed from a suspension state and not from a termination. As such, since the process was kept in memory, you don’t have to retrieve the state you may have previously saved, since it’s still there. This method can be useful if you need to refresh the data in case, for example, the user has resumed the application after a while.
  3. OnSuspending() is invoked when the application is suspended. Typically, this method is used to save the application’s state, so that it can be restored in the case the app is terminated by the operating system due to low resources. However, as we’re going to see in the next posts, with Template10 this operation is not required: the bootstrapper is able to take care of this scenario automatically.

Extended splash screen

The splash screen is a static image (placed in the Assets folder of your project) which is displayed to the user during the app’s initialization phase. Once the operation is completed, the splash screen is removed from the screen and the Frame redirects the user to the main page of the app. As best practices, the app’s initialization should be as quickest as possible: if the operation isn’t completed within 10 seconds, the app will be terminated by the OS. However, it’s not uncommon that the app may need more than 10 seconds to be ready, especially if the application’s data has to be downloaded from a remote source (like a REST service). To avoid the app to be terminated by the OS, one of the best practices is to avoid loading the data in the App class, but to perform it directly in the main page of the app. This way, the initialization phase will be very quick and the main page will immediately take control of the app. However, since the app is now ready and the initialization operation is completed, the OS won’t try to kill the app anymore, even if the main page would need more than 10 seconds to load all the data.

This approach works great, but often it doesn’t provide a good user experience: the user is redirected to the main page of the app which, however, will be empty and it will display just a loading message, until all the data is ready to be displayed. To improve the UX many applications have introduced the concept of extended splash screen: after that the basic initialization is completed, the user will be redirected to another page of the app which will look exactly like the splash screen. The difference here is that, since we aren’t talking anymore about a static image but we’re dealing with a real page, we can add additional UI elements to notify to the user that a loading operation is in progress (like a ProgressBar or a ProgressRing control). If you want to learn more about this topic, the MSDN documentation offers some guidance on how to implement an extended splash screen at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/xaml/hh868191.aspx

As you can see in the document, there’s a bit of work to do, other than just creating the page that will act as extended splash screen. Template10 simplifies this approach, by offering a class that takes care of handling the transition between splash screen –> extended splash screen –> first page of the app. Let’s see how to use it.

The first step is to create the splash screen itself, by adding a new UserControl to your application. You have the freedom to add everything you want in this control. However, since the goal of this control is to hide the transition from the static splash screen, typically the first thing you want to add is an Image control that displays the same image used as splash screen. The following sample shows a control where the image is placed inside a Canvas with the same background color of the image. In addition, we add a ProgressRing control to notify to the user that a loading operation is in progress.


        <Canvas x:Name="MyCanvas" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Background="#0971C3">
            <Image x:Name="MyImage" Stretch="None" Source="/Assets/SplashScreen.png" />
        <ProgressRing VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="50" Height="50" IsActive="True" Foreground="White"
                      Margin="0, 0, 0, 100"/>

In code behind we use the SplashScreen class (which returns some important information about the image, like the size and the position) to configure the Image control in the same way. This way, the user won’t notice the transition from the real splash screen to the extended one.

public sealed partial class SplashScreenView : UserControl
    public SplashScreenView(SplashScreen splashScreen)
        Action resize = () =>
            MyImage.Height = splashScreen.ImageLocation.Height;
            MyImage.Width = splashScreen.ImageLocation.Width;
            MyImage.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, splashScreen.ImageLocation.Top);
            MyImage.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, splashScreen.ImageLocation.Left);
        Window.Current.SizeChanged += (s, e) => resize();

The resize and reposition operations are defined into an Action which, other than being executed when the user control is initialized, is connected also to the SizeChanged event, which is triggered when the size of the app’s window changes. It’s required since, when the app runs on a desktop, the user is able to resize the window at any time and, consequently, the splash screen needs to readapt itself.

Now that we have created our custom control, we are ready to use it as a splash screen, thanks to the SplashFactory class provided by the BootStrapper:

public App()
    SplashFactory = e => new SplashScreenView(e);

SplashScrenView is the name of the UserControl we have just created, while e is the instance of the SplashScreen class that we have passed to the control’s constructor (it’s the one we’ve used to calculate the size and the position of the image).

Now we’re ready to test it: as soon as the application takes more than a few seconds to initialize, the user will be redirected to the extended splash screen and, only at the end of the loading process, to the main page of the app. If you want to simulate a heavy data loading to test the splash screen, you can add a delay in the OnStartAsync() method, before the navigation to the main page is performed, like in the following sample:

sealed partial class App : Template10.Common.BootStrapper
    public App()
        SplashFactory = e => new SplashScreenView(e);

    public override async Task OnStartAsync(StartKind startKind, IActivatedEventArgs args)
 await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

Once the initialization is completed, the bootstrapper will invoke the OnStartAsync() method and, until it’s triggered the navigation to the main page of the page, the extended splash screen will be displayed. In this sample, since we’ve added a 5 second delay, the splash screen will be displayed for 5 seconds before the user will see the main page.


Another important feature offered by Template10 is the automatic handling of the page stack. If you already have some experience in developing Windows Store apps for Windows and Windows Phone 8.1, you’ll know that navigation management is one of the main differences between the two platforms. On Windows Phone, you don’t have to add any visual element in the user interface to allow the user to go back to the previous page of the app, since every device has a hardware Back button. However, the same doesn’t apply on Windows, since there is no Back button on a desktop or on a tablet.

Windows 10 has changed this behavior; also the desktop version, in fact, offers a build-in management of the Back button, by providing a virtual back button which can be placed in different positions, based on the scenario:

  1. If the app is running in desktop mode, the Back button will be added in the app’s chrome, on the top right corner.
  2. If the app is running in tablet mode, the Back button will be added in the system bar, between the Start and Cortana buttons.



Typically, in a standard application, it’s up to the developer to handle this feature, by using the SystemNavigationManager class, which provides the required APIs to handle the visibility of the button or the navigation events. Template10, instead, automatically enables this management on every device family. Consequently:

  • When the application is running on the desktop and the page stack isn’t empty, on the top right corner the virtual Back button will be visible. If, instead, the stack is empty (for example, because the user is on the first page), the button will be automatically hidden.
  • When the application is running on a mobile device, pressing the hardware Back button will automatically redirect the user to the previous page of the app or, if the stack is empty, to the Start screen of the device.

If we want to disable this behavior (for example, because we want to handle the navigation by ourselves, by adding a button in the UI) we can set the ShowShellButton property of the BootStrapper class to false:

public App()
    ShowShellBackButton = false;

When this option is disabled, you will notice that the virtual Back button in the app’s chrome will never be displayed.

In the next post

In this post we’ve learned some of the basic concepts of Template10 and which are some of the features that we can start to use, right away, to improve our application. We’ve just scratched the surfaced and, in the next posts, we’re going to see the “true power” of Template10, especially when it’s used in combination with the MVVM pattern. If, in the meanwhile, you want to start doing experiments with Template10, you can use the samples that are provided on the GitHub repository. Happy coding!

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The new background features in Windows 10

If you already have some experience in developing Universal Windows apps for Windows and Windows Phone 8.1, you should already be familiar with the “application lifecycle” concept. Compared to the traditional desktop model, where the application lifecycle is quite simple (basically, one app is able to run and perform tasks until it’s closed), in the mobile world things are a bit different. A mobile device like a smartphone, in fact, needs to handle many requirements which aren’t common in the desktop world, like battery usage, limited available memory, etc.

Consequently, Universal Windows apps (both on 8.1 and 10) use a different lifecycle model, which can be summarized with the following image:




When an application is opened, it enters into a state called running: in this state, it’s able to use memory, CPU, sensors and whatever feature is available on the device. As soon as the app is suspended (because the user has pressed the Start button or has tapped on a notification sent by another application), after 5 seconds the process is “frozen” in memory. It means that the process will be kept in the device’s RAM memory, but it won’t be able to perform any operation. As such, every device’s resource (CPU, the camera, sensors, etc.) will be available to every other application that the user will decide to launch next. When the user decides to return to our application, the resuming event is triggered: the process is awaken and the application can use again all the device’s resources.

It may happen, however, that the resources are running low: for example, the user starts to open a lot of applications or he may have suspended one or two apps which use a lot of memory (like a game). In this case, when a new application is opened, the device may not have enough memory to manage it: consequently, the operating system has the chance to terminate the older applications to free some memory. In this scenario, it’s the developer’s job to save the state of the application, during the suspension phase, in order to restore it in case the app is reopened after a termination. The goal of this approach is to give to the user the impression that the app has never been closed: the termination by the operating system should be completely transparent for him.

Perform operations in background: background tasks

As you can imagine after reading how the application’s lifecycle works, Universal Windows apps don’t have the chance to perform operations when they’re suspended. The process, in fact, is “frozen” and, as such, it can’t perform any activity which involves the usage of CPU, network, etc.

To allow developers to handle the requirement to perform, somehow, some operations even when the app is suspended, the Windows Runtime has introduced the concept of background task. They are separate projects from the main one that contains the application, but they belong to the same solution and they access to the same app’s context (so, for example, a background task can access to the same local storage used by the application). Background tasks are usually made by a single class, which contains the code that is executed when it’s scheduled by operating system, even if the main application isn’t running.

Here is a sample definition of a background task:

using Windows.ApplicationModel.Background; 

namespace Tasks 
    public sealed class ExampleBackgroundTask : IBackgroundTask 

        public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) 



A background task is made by a class, which implements the IBackgroundTask interface and manages a method called Run(), which is invoked when the task is activated.

Background tasks are projects which type is Windows Runtime Component and they’re connected to the concept of trigger, which are events that you can subscribe to invoke a background task. There are many types of triggers in Windows Runtime: they can be used to manage periodic requirements (for example, if the task needs to run every 30 minutes), system events (for example, the user has locked / unlocked the device) or the communications with other devices (there is a set of triggers to interact with Bluetooth Low Energy devices).

I won’t go deep about background tasks in this post, since the way they work has unchanged moving from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. You will find a wide set of new triggers, but the base concepts that drive the development are the same. If you’re interested into this subject, you can refer to the MSDN documentation which is available at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/xaml/hh977056.aspx

Keep the application active when it’s suspended

The new feature added in Windows 10, which I’m going to detail in this post, is the ExtendedExecutionSession class, which can be used to support two new scenarios:

  1. The application needs to save some data or complete a pending operation before it’s suspended and the 5 seconds timeframe isn’t enough.
  2. The application needs to continue the execution even when it’s suspended, for example to keep track of the user’s position (a fitness app, a turn by turn navigator, etc.)

Let’s see how to handle both scenarios.

Complete a pending operation

This scenario is managed inside the event that the App class provides to handle the suspension. In the standard definition of this class (which is declared inside the App.xaml.cs file) you’ll find the following lines of code:

private void OnSuspending(object sender, SuspendingEventArgs e) 
    var deferral = e.SuspendingOperation.GetDeferral(); 

By default, this code doesn’t do anything: it just asks for a deferral, which is a way to handle asynchronous operations inside the suspension event. Without using the deferral, the beginning of an asynchronous operation may cause the immediate termination of the app by the operating system, since it’s performed on a different thread than the main one.

Inside the OnSupending() method we can use the ExtendedExecutionSession class to ask for more time, so that we have the chance to complete the running operation. Here is a sample code:

private async void OnSuspending(object sender, SuspendingEventArgs e) 
    var deferral = e.SuspendingOperation.GetDeferral(); 
    var extendedSession = new ExtendedExecutionSession(); 
    extendedSession.Reason = ExtendedExecutionReason.SavingData; 
    extendedSession.Description = "Complete synchronization"; 

    ExtendedExecutionResult result = await extendedSession.RequestExtensionAsync(); 

    if (result == ExtendedExecutionResult.Allowed) 


When we create a new ExtendedExecutionSession instance, we have to define:

  1. The reason why we need that the running operation continues even after the suspension. In our scenario, we need to use the SavingData value of the ExtendedExecutionReason enumartor.
  2. A description that briefly summarize the operation we’re going to perform. It’s a simple string.

Then we can call the RequestExtensionsAsync(). As you can imagine from the name of the method, this operation doesn’t guarantee that the request will be accepted; the operating system could decide to deny it, according to the available resources. Consequently, it’s very important to check the result of the operation, which type is ExtendedExecutionResult. Only if the result is Allowed, we are authorized to execute an operation that could take more than 5 seconds to be completed; otherwise, instead, we need to apply a workaround to satisfy the 5 seconds constraint.

It’s important to remind that this approach doesn’t allow an infinite execution time: in case resources are running low, the operating system could terminate the running activity.

Keep the application running in background

The second feature provided by the ExetendedExecutionSession class offers a bit more flexibility: when the application is suspended, in fact, it will be kept alive in background: the process won’t be frozen, but it will be able to keep performing operations, handle events, etc. It’s like if the application in foreground, except that it isn’t visible to the user. It’s a feature which can be very useful for location tracking apps: for example, a fitness app could leverage this approach to track the user’s run even if the phone is locked and placed in the user’s pocket.

This is the reason why the ExtendedExecutionSession class identifies this approach by assigning the LocationTracking value to the Reason property. Moreover, this feature requires that the Location capability is declared in the manifest file. To be honest, the operating system doesn’t force you to use the location APIs to use this feature: however, it’s important to keep in mind that the user, in the Store page, will see that your application is accessing to the user’s location, even if you aren’t actually doing it. As such, think twice before choosing to go down this path.

The main difference with the previous scenario (completing a pending operation) is the position in code when the ExtendedExceutionSession class is used: if, in the code sample we’ve previously seen, we used it inside the OnSuspending() method of the App class, now instead we need to ask the permission to the operating system to run in background as soon as possible. Typically, this is done when the main page of the application is loaded, so the OnNavigatedTo() or the Loaded() events are good candidates.

Here is a code sample:

protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) 
    if (e.NavigationMode == NavigationMode.New) 
        var extendedSession = new ExtendedExecutionSession(); 
        extendedSession.Reason = ExtendedExecutionReason.LocationTracking; 
        extendedSession.Description = "Location tracking"; 

        ExtendedExecutionResult result = await extendedSession.RequestExtensionAsync(); 
        if (result == ExtendedExecutionResult.Allowed) 
            Debug.WriteLine("Background execution approved"); 
            Debug.WriteLine("Background execution denied"); 

The first line of code makes sure that the initialization is made only when the navigation mode is New, which means that the page is loaded for the first time: this way, we can avoid that the initialization is repeated every time that the user, from an inner page, navigates back to the main one. If we try to initialize the ExtendedExecutionSession object multiple times, in fact, we’ll get an exception.

The rest of the code is pretty much the same we’ve seen in the previous scenario, except that:

  1. We’re setting the Reason property of the ExtendedExecutionSession class to LocationTracking.
  2. Also in this case it’s useful to check the result of the RequestExtensionAsync() method, but only for logging or warning purposes. In fact, in case the app is allowed for background execution, we won’t have anything special to do: the app will simply continue to run, like if it has never been suspended. It’s important to highlight that one of the causes that may lead to a denied execution is that the Location capability is missing in the manifest file.

It’s important to highlight that, even if the application is indeed running in background, it’s not able to interact with the UI thread: if you need to show any information to the user, you need to rely on the features provided by the platform, like notifications.

The following sample code shows how to leverage notifications in a background execution scenario:

public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    public MainPage()

    protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
        if (e.NavigationMode == NavigationMode.New)
            var extendedSession = new ExtendedExecutionSession();
            extendedSession.Reason = ExtendedExecutionReason.LocationTracking;
            extendedSession.Description = "Location tracking";

            ExtendedExecutionResult result = await extendedSession.RequestExtensionAsync();
            if (result == ExtendedExecutionResult.Allowed)
                Debug.WriteLine("Background execution approved");
                Debug.WriteLine("Background execution denied");

            Geolocator locator = new Geolocator();
            locator.DesiredAccuracyInMeters = 0;
            locator.MovementThreshold = 500;
            locator.DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.High;
            locator.PositionChanged += Locator_PositionChanged;

    private void Locator_PositionChanged(Geolocator sender, PositionChangedEventArgs args)
        string xml = $@"
            <toast activationType='foreground' launch='args'>
                    <binding template='ToastGeneric'>
                        <text>This is a toast notification</text>
                        <text>Latitude: {args.Position.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude} - Longitude: {args.Position.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude}</text>

        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

        ToastNotification notification = new ToastNotification(doc);
        ToastNotifier notifier = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier();

After subscribing for background execution, we initialize the Geolocator class and we subscribe to the PositionChanged event, which is triggered every time the geo localization services detects a new position. When this event happens, we prepare the payload of a toast notification with the info about the detected longitude and latitude and then we display it, using the ToastNotification and ToastNotificationManager classes. We can easily test this application using the Windows 10 Mobile emulator: just open the app and, by leveraging the Location simulator in the Additional tools, just place a pushpin in a random map location. Every time you’ll perform this operation, you’ll see a notification with the coordinate of the selected place. However, since we requested background execution, the PositionChanged event handler will be triggered even if the app is suspended. Let’s repeat the same test (placing random pushpins on the map) but, before, suspend the app: you’ll notice that the notifications will be displayed anyway, since the app is indeed still running, even if it’s not visible.

As you can see, this features allows a lot of flexibility; consequently, there are some constraints to prevent that an app could negatively affect the battery life or the performances of the devices. First, only one application at a time can leverage the background execution; if the user opens another application that uses the same feature, the already running one will be stopped and suspended. In addition, also in this case the operating system continuously monitors the available system resources: if they are running low, it will be able to kill our running app and suspend it.

Wrapping up

The new background execution feature is very simple to manage but, at the same time, very powerful and it opens up scenarios that it wasn’t possible to support in a Windows or Windows Phone 8.1 application. You can find with a sample project that shows how to use the ExtendedExecutionSession API on my GitHub repository https://github.com/qmatteoq/Windows10-Samples. Happy coding!

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Xamarin Forms for Windows Phone devs – Dependency injection with MVVM Light

In the previous post we’ve seen how Xamarin Forms offers an easy way to manage dependency injection, so that you can support the different ways how some features are managed on every platform. This way, you can use a common interface in your shared project and then have three different concrete implementation of that interface, one for each platform. In the previous sample we’ve used a PopupService, which is a class that is used to display a popup to the user by taking advantage of the specific APIs offered for each platform.

In this post, we’re going to see how to combine this approach in a MVVM project created using MVVM Light.

One project, two dependency injection’s containers

When we talked about how to create a Xamarin Forms project using MVVM Light, we’ve seen that the toolkit created by Laurent Bugnion offers a dependency injection’s container called SimpleIoC. Using a dependency container in a MVVM application is very useful, because it makes much easier to switch the implementation of a class we want to use in a ViewModel. In the previous post, we’ve seen that we are able to easily achieve this goal by using a code similar to the following one:

public MainViewModel()
    IPopupService popupService = container.Resolve<IPopupService>();
    popupService.ShowPopup("Sample title", "Sample message");

However, this code still requires you to go in each class and manually get a reference to the concrete implementation by using the container (in this sample, we’re using Unity as dependency injection library, so we use the Resolve<T>() method of the UnityContainer class.

Thanks to dependency injection, there’s a smarter way to do this: by registering both the ViewModel and the service in the container, like in the following sample.

public class ViewModelLocator
    static ViewModelLocator()
        ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);
        SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IPopupService, PopupService>();

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the Main property.
    /// </summary>
        Justification = "This non-static member is needed for data binding purposes.")]
    public MainViewModel Main
            return ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<MainViewModel>();

As you can see, in the ViewModelLocator definition we’ve registered not only the MainViewModel (like we did in the previous post) but also the PopupService class, which is connected to the IPopupService interface. Thanks to this code, now we are able to get a reference to the PopupService class simply by adding an IPopupService paramter in the ViewModel’s constructor, like in the following sample:

public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
   private readonly IPopupService _popupService;

   public MainViewModel(IPopupService popupService)
       _popupService = popupService;

The dependency injection mechanism will take care of automatically injecting, into the IPopupService paramater, the concrete implementation (the PopupService) class we’ve registered in the container in the ViewModelLocator.

How to combine the two approaches

However, in the previous post, we’ve seen that Xamarin Forms offers another approach to manage dependency injection: by decorating the concrete implementation of the interface (in our case, the PopupService class) with an attribute, that allows us to use a single interface in our shared project and have three different implementations in each platform’s specific project. This way, we can deal with the fact that some features are in common across every platform (like displaying a popup or geo localizing the user) but they are implemented with different APIs and approaches.

How can we combine this approach with the standard one, so that we take the best of both worlds? Our goal is to have the MVVM Light container to automatically inject, in every ViewModel, the specific PopupService implementation we’ve included into every platform’s specific project. It’s easy, thanks to a feature offered basically by each dependency injection’s library, which is a method to register a specific instance of a class into the container. This way, when we need a concrete implementation of a class, the container will return us that specific instance, instead of creating a new one on the fly.

The following code shows how we can achieve our goal by combining the code we’ve seen in this post and in the previous one:

public class ViewModelLocator
    static ViewModelLocator()
        ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);
        IPopupService popupService = DependencyService.Get<IPopupService>();
        SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IPopupService>(() => popupService);

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the Main property.
    /// </summary>
        Justification = "This non-static member is needed for data binding purposes.")]
    public MainViewModel Main
            return ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<MainViewModel>();

Unlike in the previous sample, where we generically registered the PopupService class for the IPopupService interface, in this case we register a specific instance, which we have retrieved using the DependencyService class offered by Xamarin Forms. This way, we make sure that the IPopupService object we get in return is the specific implementation for the platform where the app is running. Then, we proceed to register this instance in the SimpleIoc container, by passing it as parameter of the Register<T>() method.

That’s all: now, in our MainViewModel, the container will automatically inject, into the constructor’s parameter, the proper implementation for the current platform.

Wrapping up

In this post we’ve seen how to combine a standard dependency injection approach (which is useful to manage the ViewModel dependencies) with the Xamarin Forms one (which is useful to manage platform specific implementations of the same feature). You can play with a working sample by downloading the source code published on GitHub: https://github.com/qmatteoq/XamarinFormsSamples

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Xamarin Forms for Windows Phone devs – Dependency injection

If you’re already worked with Windows Phone and Windows Store applications and, especially, with the MVVM pattern, you should be familiar with the dependency injection concept. In a typical application, when you need to use a class, you simply create a new instance, like in the following sample:

private void OnButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    PopupService popupService = new PopupService();
    popupService.ShowPopup("Sample title", "Sample message");

This way, objects are created at compile time. However, when you work with the MVVM pattern, this approach has a downside. Let’s say that you’re using the PopupService in multiple classes (like ViewModels) and, suddenly, you need to change his implementation with a new one. With the previous approach, you are forced to go in each class where you use the PopupService and change the implementation with the new one.

With the dependency injection approach, instead, objects are registered inside a container, which is a special class that takes care of dispatching the objects when they’re required. Typically, with this approach, every class is described by an interface. For example, the PopupService class can be described with an interface called IPopupService, like in the following sample:

public interface IPopupService
    void ShowPopup(string title, string message);

Then, when the application starts, we specify for each interface which is the concrete implementation we want to use in the application, like in the following code (keep in mind that it’s just a sample, there are multiple libraries to implement dependency injection, each of them with its APIs and methods):

public App() 
    IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
    container.RegisterType<IPopupService, PopupService>();

In the end, whenever a class needs to use a PopupService object, instead of simply creating a new instance, it asks to the container to return the registered one, like in the following sample:

private void OnButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    IPopupService popupService = container.Resolve<IPopupService>();
    popupService.ShowPopup("Sample title", "Sample message");

The advantage of this approach should be clear: whenever we need to change the implementation of the IPopupService interface, it’s enough to change the concrete implementation of the interface that is registered in the container, like:

public App() 
    IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
    container.RegisterType<IPopupService, FakePopupService>();

Automatically, all the classes that are using the PopupService class will immediately start to use the new implementation, called FakePopupService, simply by changing one line of code.

Dependency injection and Xamarin Forms

Dependency injection becomes very useful when you work with Xamarin Forms: the purpose of this technology is to allow developers to share as much code as possible between the three different mobile platforms (iOS, Android and Windows Phone). The Xamarin technology was created with this purpose in mind, however Xamarin Forms takes this approach to the next level, by allowing developers to share not just business logic, but also the user interface. Xamarin Forms, in fact, uses a XAML based approach: the user interface is defined using XML, where each control is identified by a specific XML tag. The biggest difference with the standard XAML (which is supported only by Microsoft technologies, like Windows Phone or WPF) is that the controls are automatically translated into the native platform controls. This way, unlike with cross platform applications based on web technologies (which offer the same UI on all the platforms), we’ll be able to keep the UI consistent with the guidelines and the user interface of the platform.

However, there are some scenarios which simply don’t fit the shared code approach. We can’t forget, in fact, that Xamarin, unlike web technologies, doesn’t provide a way to create the application just once and run it everywhere: one of the biggest pros of Xamarin, in fact, is that it allows developers to make use of every platform specific feature, unlike web applications that typically support only the features that are in common between every platform. Consequently, you still need to learn how Android and iOS development work if you want to create a real application. However, thanks to Xamarin, you won’t have to learn also a new language in the process: Xamarin, in fact, offers a way to use the native APIs with the familiar C# syntax.

The same applies for Xamarin Forms: it offers a way to share not just business logic but also user interface code but, in the end, we still need to deal with the specific platform features and implementations. Let’s say, for example, that we want to add the PopupService class we’ve previously seen in our Xamarin Forms project, which offers a ShowPopup() method that displays an alert to the user. Each platform has a different way to display a popup message: for example, in Windows Phone you use the MessageBox class; on Android, you have the AlertDialog class; on iOS, instead, you use the UIAlertView class. However, we would love to have a way to use the ShowPopup() method in our shared page and, automatically, see it rendered on each platform with its specific code.

Thanks to the dependency injection approach, we can: in the shared page we’re going to get a reference to the IPopupService class and to use the ShowPopup() method. At runtime, the dependency container will inject into the IPopupService object the specific implementation for the platform. However, compared to a regular dependency injection approach (like the one we’ve previously seen), there are some differences when we need to use it in Xamarin Forms.

Please note: the sample we’re going to see has been created just for demonstration purposes. Xamarin Forms, in fact, already offers a way to display popups to the user in a shared page, without having to deal with the different implementations for each platform.

One interface, multiple implementations

The first step is to create a common interface in the shared project, since it will be unique for each platform:

public interface IPopupService
    void ShowPopup(string title, string message);

Then we need a concrete implementation of this interface, one for each platform: we’re going to create in every specific platform project this time. For example, here is how it looks like the implementation in the Windows Phone project:

public class PopupService: IPopupService
    public void ShowPopup(string title, string message)
        MessageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxButton.OK);

Here is, instead, how it looks like in the Android project:

public class PopupService: IPopupService
    public void ShowPopup(string title, string message)
        AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(Forms.Context);
            .SetPositiveButton("Ok", (sender, args) =>
                Debug.WriteLine("Ok clicked"); 

The next step is to understand how to use the proper implementation for each platform. In our shared code, we’re going to simply use the interface, like in the following sample:

private void OnButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    IPopupService popupService = new PopupService();
    popupService.ShowPopup("Sample title", "Sample message");

However, this code won’t simply work: we don’t have a single implementation of the PopupService class, but three different implementations, each of them with its namespace. Also the previous dependency injection approach we’ve seen doesn’t solve our problem: when we register the implementation in the container, we still need to specify which is the concrete class to use and, in our scenario, we have three of them.

Luckily, Xamarin Forms offers a smart approach to solve this situation: instead of manually registering the implementations into a container, we decorated the classes with an attribute. At runtime, automatically, Xamarin Forms will detect which is the interface connected to the implementation and will return to the application the proper object. To make it working, it’s enough to add the following attribute each concrete implementation of the class:

using System.Windows;
using DependencySample.Services;
using DependencySample.WinPhone.Services;

[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(PopupService))]
namespace DependencySample.WinPhone.Services
    public class PopupService: IPopupService
        public void ShowPopup(string title, string message)
            MessageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxButton.OK);

The only variable part of the attribute is the parameter of the Dependency class: we need to specify the type of the current class (in our sample, it’s PopupService). Then, in our shared project, when we need to use the PopupService, we’re going to retrieve it using a Xamarin Forms class called DependencyService, like in the following sample:

private void OnButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    IPopupService popupService = DependencyService.Get<IPopupService>();
    popupService.ShowPopup("Sample title", "Sample message");

We use the Get<T> method, where T is the interface of the class we want to use. Automatically, Xamarin Forms will analyze the registered DLLs in the project and will return the concrete implementation that is available in the platform’s specific project.

Wrapping up

In this post we’ve seen how to use the native dependency container that Xamarin Forms offers to developers. In the next post, we’ll see how to combine it with a traditional dependency injection approach, which comes useful when you’re developing a Xamarin Forms app using MVVM. You can download the sample project used in this post on GitHub: https://github.com/qmatteoq/XamarinFormsSamples

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Xamarin Forms for Windows Phone devs – Using the MVVM pattern

We’ve already talked many times about the MVVM pattern on this blog and how to implement it in Windows Phone 8 apps using Caliburn Micro or in Universal Windows apps with Caliburn Micro and Prism. The Model-View-ViewModel pattern is very useful in XAML based projects, because the separation between logic and user interface gives many advantages in testability and maintainability. However, when we’re dealing with projects that target multiple platforms with a shared code base (like with Universal Windows apps), using the MVVM pattern is, more or less, a basic requirement: thanks to the separation between logic and user interface, it becomes easier to share a good amount of code with the different projects.

Xamarin Forms makes no exceptions: applying the MVVM pattern is the best way to create a common codebase that can be shared among the iOS, Android and Windows Phone projects. In this post, we’ll see how to create a simple project using one of the most popular toolkits out there: MVVM Light.

Why MVVM Light?

MVVM Light is, for sure, the most simple and flexible MVVM toolkit available right now. It’s main advantage is simplicity: since it’s implementation is very basic, it can be easily ported from one platform to another. As you’re going to see in this post, if you have already worked with MVVM Light on other platforms, you’ll find yourself at home: except for some minor difference, the approach is exactly the same you would use in Windows Phone, Windows Store or WPF.

However, the MVVM Light simplicity is also its weak point: compared to frameworks like Caliburn Micro or Prism, it misses all the infrastructure that is often required when you have to deal with platform specific features, like navigation, application lifecycle, etc. Consequently, as we’re going to see in the next posts, you may have the need to extend MVVM Light, in order to solve platform specific scenarios. In the next post I will show you the implementation I did to solve these problem: for now, let’s just focus on implementing a basic Xamarin Forms project with MVVM Light. This knowledge, in fact, it’s important to understand the next posts I’m going to publish.

Creating the first MVVM project

The first step is the same we’ve seen in a previous post: creating a new Xamarin.Forms Blank App. After we’ve checked that we’re using the latest Xamarin Forms version, we need to install also MVVM Light in the shared project: you’ll need to install the specific version for PCL libraries, which is http://www.nuget.org/packages/Portable.MvvmLightLibs/

Now you’re ready to set up the infrastructure to create the application: let’s start by adding our first View and our first ViewModel. It’s not required, but to better design the application I prefer to create a folder for the views (called Views) and a folder for the ViewModels (called ViewModels). Then add a new Xamarin Forms page into the Views folder (called, for example, MainView.xaml) and a new simple class into the ViewModels folder (called, for example, MainViewModel.cs).

The ViewModelLocator

One of the basic requirements in a MVVM application is to find a way to connect a View to its ViewModel: we could simply create a new instance of the ViewModel and assign it as data context of the page, but this way we won’t be able to use techniques like dependency injection to resolve ViewModels and the required services at runtime (we’ll talk again about this approach in the next post). The typical approach when you work with MVVM Light is to create a class called ViewModelLocator, which takes care of passing to every View the proper ViewModel. Here is how the ViewModelLocator class looks like in a Xamarin Forms project:

public class ViewModelLocator
    static ViewModelLocator()
        ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the Main property.
    /// </summary>
        Justification = "This non-static member is needed for data binding purposes.")]
    public MainViewModel Main
            return ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<MainViewModel>();

When the class is created, we register the default dependency injection provider we want to use: in this case, we use the native one offered by MVVM Light, called SimpleIoc. Then, we register in the container, by using the Register<T>() method, all the ViewModels and services we want to use. In this sample, we won’t use any service: we’ll see in the next post how to manage them; so we just register our MainViewModel in the container. The next step is to create a property that will be used by the View to request the proper ViewModel instance: we use again the dependency injection container, in this case to get a registered class, by using the GetInstance<T>() method (where T is the object’s type we need).

Now we can use the ViewModelLocator to assing a ViewModel to its View: in our case, the MainView should be connected to the MainViewModel. In a Windows Phone app, this goal is typically achieved by declaring the ViewModelLocator as a global resource in the App class and then, in the XAML, assigning the proper property (in this case, Main) to the DataContext property of the page. This way, the ViewModel will be assigned as DataContext of the entire page and every nested control will be able to access to the commands and properties that are exposed by the ViewModel.

However, this approach doesn’t work in Xamarin Forms, since we don’t have the concept of global resources: we don’t have an App.xaml file, where to declare resources that are shared across every page of the application. The easiest way to solve this problem is to declare the ViewModelLocator as a static property of the App class in the Xamarin Forms shared project, like in the following sample:

public class App: Application
    public App()
        this.MainPage = new MainView();

    private static ViewModelLocator _locator;

    public static ViewModelLocator Locator
            return _locator ?? (_locator = new ViewModelLocator());

This way, you’ll be able to connect the ViewModel to the View by using this static property in the code behind file of the page (in our case, the file MainView.xaml.cs):

public partial class MainView
    public MainView()
        this.BindingContext = App.Locator.Main;

You can notice one of the most important differences between the XAML in Windows Phone and the XAML in Xamarin Forms: the DataContext property is called BindingContext. However, its purpose is exactly the same: define the context of a control.

Define the ViewModel

Creating a ViewModel it’s easy if you’ve already worked with MVVM Light, since the basic concepts are exactly the same. Let’s say that we want to create a simple applications where the user can insert his name: by pressing a button, the page will display a message to say hello to the user. Here is how the ViewModel to manage this scenario looks like:

public class MainViewModel: ViewModelBase
    private string _name;

    public string Name
        get { return _name; }
            Set(ref _name, value);

    private string _message;

    public string Message
        get { return _message;}
        set { Set(ref _message, value); }

    private RelayCommand _showMessageCommand;

    public RelayCommand ShowMessageCommand
            if (_showMessageCommand == null)
                _showMessageCommand = new RelayCommand(() =>
                    Message = string.Format("Hello {0}", Name);
                }, () => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name));

            return _showMessageCommand;

You can see, in action, all the standard features of a ViewModel created using MVVM Light as a toolkit:

  • The ViewModel inherits from the ViewModelBase class, which gives you some helpers to properly support the INotifyPropertyChanged interface that is required to notify the controls in the View when the properties that are connected through binding are changed.
  • Every property isn’t defined with the standard get – set approach but, when the value of the property changes (in the set method), we call the Set() method offered by MVVM Light which, other than just assigning the value to the property, takes care of dispatching the notification to the controls in the View.
  • When you work with the MVVM pattern, you can’t react to user’s actions using event handlers, since they have a strict dependency with code behind: you can’t declare an event handler inside another class. The solution is to use commands, which are a way to express actions with a property, that can be connected to the View using binding. MVVM Light offers a class that makes this scenario easier to implement, called RelayCommand. When you create a RelayCommand object, you need to set: 1) the action to perform (in our case, we define the message to display to the user) 2) optionally, the condition that needs to be satisfied for the command to be activated (in our case, the user will be able to invoke the command only if the property called Name isn’t empty). If the condition isn’t met, the control be automatically disabled. In our sample, if the user didn’t insert his name in the box, the button will be disabled.
  • When the value of the Name property changes, we also call the RaiseCanExecuteChanged() method offered by the RelayCommand we’ve just defined: this way, every time the Name property changes, we tell to the command to evaluate its status, since it could be changed.

The View

The following code, instead, show the Xamarin Forms XAML page that is connected to the ViewModel we’ve previously seen:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
  <StackLayout Padding="12, 0, 12, 0">
    <Label Text="Insert your name:" />
    <Entry Text="{Binding Path=Name, Mode=TwoWay}" />
    <Button Command="{Binding Path=ShowMessageCommand}" Text="Show message" />
    <Label Text="{Binding Path=Message}" FontSize="30" />

It’s a simple form, made by a text area where the user can insert his name and a button that, when it’s pressed, displays the message using a label. You can notice some difference with the standard XAML available in Windows Phone:

  • The StackPanel control, which is able to display the nested controls one below the other, is called StackLayout.
  • To define the distance of the control from the screen’s border, we use the Padding property instead of the Margin one.
  • The TextBlock control, used to display a text to the user, is called Label.
  • The TextBox control, used to receive the input from the user, is called Entry.
  • The content of the button (in this case, a text) is set using the Text property, while in the standard XAML is called Content and it accepts also a more complex XAML layout.

Except for these differences in the XAML definition, we’re using standard binding to connect the controls with the properties defined in the ViewModel:

  • The Entry control has a property called Text, which contains the name inserted by the user: we connect it to the Name property of the ViewModel, using the two-way binding.
  • The Button control has a property called Command, which is connected to the ShowMessageCommand we’ve defined in the ViewModel. This way, the button will be enabled only if the Name property isn’t empty; if it’s enable, by pressing it we’ll display the hello message to the user.
  • The hello message is stored into the Message property of the ViewModel, which is connected using binding to the last Label control in the page.

Wrapping up

In this post we’ve seen the basic concepts of using MVVM Light in a Xamarin Forms: except for some differences (like the ViewModelLocator usage), the approach should be very familiar to any Windows Phone developer that has already worked with the MVVM pattern and the MVVM Light toolkit. In the next posts we’ll take a look at how the dependency injection approach works in Xamarin Forms and how we can leverage it in a MVVM Light project. As usual, you can find the sample code used in this post on GitHub at https://github.com/qmatteoq/XamarinFormsSamples

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